vacant$552606$ - translation to ελληνικό
Διαδικτυακό λεξικό

vacant$552606$ - translation to ελληνικό

Vacant niches; Vacant ecological niche
  • [[Introduced species]], such as the [[common brushtail possum]], are often free of many of their normal parasites.



vacant possession
¦ noun Brit. ownership of a property on completion of a sale, any previous occupant having moved out.


Vacant niche

The issue of what exactly defines a vacant niche, also known as empty niche, and whether they exist in ecosystems is controversial. The subject is intimately tied into a much broader debate on whether ecosystems can reach equilibrium, where they could theoretically become maximally saturated with species. Given that saturation is a measure of the number of species per resource axis per ecosystem, the question becomes: is it useful to define unused resource clusters as niche 'vacancies'?